25 October 2009

25th October - Turbo assembly in and tweaked!

Now despite the 300tdi turbo being far a better orientation for this type of install (over the 200tdi Disco type) I still fancied tweaking the turbo boost outlet a tad. Then I could get a bit more space between both it and the nearside wing. I didn't need to do it, and I could have got away with not doing it....but what the hell?

To allow the outlet port to be rotated by 45 degrees requiers the turbo internal valve vacuum unit to also be moved. Here it is after the body of the turbo was rotated and then adjusted so the shaft action is still perpendicular to the actuator body.

To rotate the turbo body either tap it around with a raw hide mallet or remove the large circlip on the body.

Once the assembly was back in position it now looks like this......

I did have a problem with one of the two top center exhaust manifold stubs. One thread started to strip and it was then discovered that the actual thread in the block was 1/4" deeper than the stud. There never was much holding it into the block. So the thread was cleaned with a 10mm plug tap then both this and the stud alongside were replaced with 10mm cap head screws. This now also means I can access them easier if nec.

So the next item to tackle is the actual exhaust - but for now I need to work on some of the other bits such as swapping the diffs and bulkhead bits and bob's.

Wipers/vent seals/fly screen/washer jets are now all back on. The curved wiper tube to the left hand end had been mullered by a PO when they installed the S3 assembly instead of the original twin motor setup. While I was at the October Bath & West LR 'show' I picked up a complete wiper assembly for £5. I then used that tube and kept the rest for spares.

Rich (aka 'Rogue Trooper') dropped off a spare Range Rover rear diff during the week (plus a spare S2 gearbox) so the diff was cleaned up and fitted in the back axle. One of the diffs I reclaimed from the scrap Disco was also fitted in the front (10 spline too). So both axles are now 3.54:1, filled with GL4 and are ready to go.

A decision was made on the oil cooler/rad. I am going to stay with the Series rad and fit an auxiliary oil cooler. So order now placed for a 13 row/plate FPHE type plus all the necessary pipework/fittings etc. These should be here for next weekend.

While fiddling with the oil cooler connections at the filter block I noticed this.

Offside Series petrol mount is starting to split! It is under some strain but should be able to take it? Now this was new when the engine was dropped in a few weeks ago, but were 'pattern' parts from an unknown source. No marking on the packet and bought from Paddocks. May have been Br1tpart?

This will obviously need to be removed and chucked but do I replace with the same again or like the gearbox rubbers change for 2.5N/A ones which are more substantial?

Well now I know why the rubber is under stress! Delving in piles of boxes at the back of the garage I found my fruit box marked 'Chassis bits' and in the bottom under several layers of rubbish was this.

I now need to clean this up and fit it on the RH engine chassis mount where it should be!

I now need to get that front rad panel fully stripped and then decide do I pay through the nose to get it rebuilt and galv'd? (£150!) ....or go for the cheaper £50 and just get a bit welded in?

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