The 109 would have originally been fitted with two single wipers mounted through the windscreen. The holes are still there for them but a PO fitted a similar vintage DR3A single wiper motor. This did not seem to be working too well and after a strip-down decided not to work at all now.
So I had a later dual speed S2A/3 type (Lucas 14 Watt dual speed) aquired from some LR jumble or other so this was stripped down and overhauled. This one works 100% including the self park! So this has been fitted in the dash and now I just need to get or make a mounting bracket to suit.
For info the wiring details for the Lucas 14w are detailed below ;)
Note - Aquired from a post by 'Peterux' on the madaboutkitcars forum
The dash controls are only set up for single speed to I will live with that for now but I will need to fit a relay to enable the self park to work.
Well I have actually started. I wasn't looking forward to it but I have made a start and the main chassis loom has been pulled through now - I also included a couple of spares (one for the reverse light) and a draw wire unless I ever need to pull in even more at a later date.
The cables have been routed into each rear tub box ready for termination and the tow socket cabling has also been fed to the right hand box.
Just need to get those ends terminated and I can start looking at the business end of the 109.